Swimming practice for open water

We have booked Pells Pool for Wed 29th May at 7:30pm


It's 40m long and we will have it all to ourselves. The water is a balmy 14 degrees (-ish) at the moment, so wetsuits are a really good idea. 

We will be taking you through all of the basics of Open Water swimming in triathlon, with a view to us all moving out into the real thing over the next few weeks. The topics we will cover in this coached session therefore include how to get your wetsuit on (and off) properly, land-based warm-ups, sighting & buoy turn practice and  mass starts, as well as a short-ish "main set" so that you feel that you've done some work. 

Those of you with more experience will have the option of a longer swim of up to an hour, whilst for those not used to cold water or wetsuit swimming the session will be shorter but (hopefully) just as sweet. 

There will be a £5 per person cost for the session, collected on the night. 

If you would like to bring someone, non-member adults are welcome as long as they want (and have the ability) to join our coached swim session. It may make good spectator sport as well.

If you would like to come and join the fun you will need:

  1. appropriate clothing for the water (swim wetsuits highly recommended) 
  2. appropriate clothing for once you are back out again - it will be at or after sunset when we finish and likely to be cooler
  3. swim hat, goggles, towel, lube (if you're so inclined) etc.
  4. £5 in cash - correct change please!
  5. travel to and from the pool (it's near Lewes). 
  6. (recommended) a thermos with a hot drink

It would be extremely helpful if you could let us know if you're going to come to the session so we have a view of numbers. I can circulate email addresses to organise lift sharing for anyone who needs it.