Brighton Tri Club accredited with 'STAR club' status by Triathlon England

Brighton Tri Club accredited with 'STAR club' status by Triathlon England

We are extremely pleased and proud to announce that within 15 months of officially launching, Brighton Tri Club has been accredited with 'STAR club' status by Triathlon England. The Star Mark indicates that Brighton Tri Club has reached a minimum level of standards and is now officially recognised by Sport England, British Triathlon, Triathlon England, fellow triathletes, sports professionals and the community as a quality Triathlon Club.

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Haywards Heath Tri hosts Novice Cup Round 1

Haywards Heath Tri hosts Novice Cup Round 1

The first Brighton Tri Club Novice Cup points were claimed at Haywards Heath Sprint Triathlon this past Sunday,  with some superb performances all round. 

The overall picture was one for the vets, with trophies collected by Rachel Perry (1st Female Vet), Paul McCarthy (3rd Male Vet) and Tina Billet (3rd female Vet) and some other very good performances besides.

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Improving through Recovery

Improving through Recovery

Recovery is vital to us all in allowing the body to absorb and adapt to a training load (Volume x Intensity) and get fitter as a result. Recent club racing experiences have been educational for us all in understanding how long it can take to recover from different workout loads, and how that recovery time can vary due to basic genetic differences, age and fitness.

In Brighton Tri Club we are now moving into the build phase in our seasonal training cycle, which means that the intensity of sessions is increasing in order to get us ready for race efforts in the late spring and summer. That doesn’t mean that we stop doing easier workouts though.

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